I’ve been neglecting this blog and honestly forgot to post this on here. Annual birthday “part”. I tried this year.
I’ve been neglecting this blog and honestly forgot to post this on here. Annual birthday “part”. I tried this year.
My annual birthday “part”, a collection of stuff I filmed in the past year. Middle aged skateboarding in the Midwest, MN, IO, NE, SD.
Another year older, stuff I did the past year. Most in MN with a few NYC and AZ parks sprinkled in. If you count the different variations of “ollie” and “50-50” this is 48 tricks.
Another year older, another video of basic tricks, all filmed in NYC. 46 for me started with COVID and ended with a move to the Twin Cities. This is what happened in-between.
Another year older so here is another brief video of a few things I filmed the past year. Mostly variations on themes.
I have had a number of inquiries in to whether this blog is dead. The answer is “maybe”. I have a few ideas for future posts but not the time to write them. People have also asked if I am still skating and the answer to that is “most definitely yes”. In October of 2018 I decided I wanted to try to film 45 tricks for my 45th birthday. Skating once a week made this a serious challenge but I managed to pull it together in to the video below. It’s not a strict count, a lot of the ollies and 5050s probably shouldn’t be considered separate tricks, but who really cares. Most of what I filmed was pretty basic but I’m still…
I turned 44 yesterday. Like I did last year, here is a short montage of my skating from the previous year.
I’m 43 today. In celebration, here is a short montage of my skating from the past year, at age 42. I didn’t film all that much but I think this is a fair representation of what I talked about in my last post. The only thing not included is some bigger bowl footage but all I really did was go in circles and do some axle stalls in those so no one is going to miss that.
This may be the final post of this blog. A number of different people have encouraged me to keep it going but, while I am not ruling out that possibility, I always envisioned this blog as a finite project. It was to be a personal history of the two phases of my skateboarding, as a teenager and as an adult. It has reached its conclusion, save for one final thing, which is contemporary video. What follows are a series of clips spanning the last two and half years. I’ve attempted to represent what my skating actually looks like. I’ve resisted the urge to re-film things because, who am I kidding, I’m not good and never will be good. I am skating in…
Since my next post will be about quitting skateboarding, I thought now would be the appropriate time to give the people what they want, that is, a big dump of old photos from roughly 1986-1988. The image quality varies pretty greatly, sorry.
Jeff B at Lutherville when the metal ramps were brand new. I don’t know if this was just super tweaked or a 180.
More random shots of people I don’t know. Some guy with a nice FS 5-0 at the old Ocean Bowl vert ramp.